Firefish extended belly


Ok, so I've had a pair of firefish for about 3 months. They act normally, eat voraciously and usually hang out together at the front of the tank in full view (except for at night, they hide in the same LR cave out of sight).
Recently I noticed one of them wasn't coming out as much, and would take longer to come out from their "cave" in the morning. When I feed, it comes out and eats normally.
Today I noticed that the reluctant one has an extended belly. Due to lack of experience with Firefish problems (haven't had any) I can't tell if this is due to disease, inury or other.
Does this sound like a familiar malady, or could this fish possibly be pregnant???? Thanks.


Really J&J?!? :eek: I thought it wouldn't be that easy...Guess it's just that I don't read a lot about people's fish procreating all over the place... Think I need to get her (?) out? I've got a QT, but currently using copper on a YT.
No extended belly diseases that you know of? :)


Active Member
well i know like practically nothing on fishy diseases, but i have a mated pair of tomato clowns. you can just leave her in there. mine lay eggs all the time


Active Member
It's quite possible that the fish may be pregnant. There are some infections that can also make a fish appear to be pregnant. However, if she looks normal (besides the belly) and is acting normal, I would guess that she's expecting. :)


I'm gonna be a daddy! :D
Ok, well I'll keep you guys posted in case it turns out to be sick instead...
J&J, when your clown babies hatch, do they get eaten up by the other fish, or do they survive? If they survive, do you then raise them for a bit & sell 'em off? I'm not trying to have a firefish tank! :) Got 3 fish left to complete my community, then come the anemones!!!


Active Member
yeah they get eaten up. i dont know about firefish, but clowns only have 1 good swim in them when they hatch. that is your only chance. you have to turn all the filters and pumps and lights off. with a flash light, you can look in them and see them swimming to the top with their only good swim and catch them with a net. then you can put them in like a cup (they can only swim as far as their body is long) and feed them this special stuff. its cool but its hard. you might want to talk to bang guy