Firefish Goby Dissapears!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Ok, I bought a Firefish Goby. It was doing great! The next day I turn on the lights, and it was gone! Haven't seen it yet. I looked everywhere for any remains, but none to be found. It could not have jumpped out. I have a complete glass hood. My tank inhabitants are tangs, dwarf angels, seahorse, clowns, and starfish. Have any ideas? I really like the fish, and would like to have another one. But I don't want the same to happen to it!:confused:


Active Member
they are very timid at first. Look in your rock work. Ours have a little cave. Some times you can't even see them unless you get a flash light.


Active Member
You actually keep a seahorse with those other fish? How long has the seahorse been in there?
As for the firefish, it could have found a little opening at the top to jump out. Such as a little empty spot right next to the skimmer?


With all the fish you have in that tiny tank it probably figured it didn't have a chance so it went carpet surfing.


I had a glass top as well and my yellow watchmen found a 1"x2" hole by the skimmer to jump out. Carpet crisp.


New Member
Originally posted by ViPeR_930
You actually keep a seahorse with those other fish? How long has the seahorse been in there?
I have had the seahorse for a month or more. He is doing great! He eats right with all the other fish. He is real active. I have heard that you can't keep a seahorse with other fish, but I have had no problems.


New Member

Originally posted by rabbitfish
i would set that seahorse in another tank ASAP, that is going against all the rules in seahorse husbandry... well right now she prolly feels like ur mistress....:D, lol, sorry for the stupid joke but, seriously they can not feed with so many other mobile/fast fish around...

The joke was ok, but the seahorse is very active. He gets just as much food as the tangs get! He is a real trooper!