firefish hiding


ok my turn to sound dumb, but I dont know what else to do. I got a number of fish from 2 were firefish. Both fire fish were looking good, but both of them dissappered a day later, now one has returned and stays out almost all day, but only one does. It has been 4 days and I cant find him anywhere. Do you suspect he is dead, or are they nesting or something. I belive he must be dead since I never saw him eat, but i cant find him ANYWHERE. Any tips on what to do?


Active Member
some have a reputation of being so timid that they starve to death :( fortunately for us, Spike came around after a few days and is now quite the pig. Our neighbor had to start lifting rock to find his. didn't find him. He had jumped out of the tank and next to a chair.


I got a mated pair, at first they hid for a couple days then only one came out during feeding. After two weeks they both came out and now they are both out all the time. I think with theese they are just so shy it takes awhile. Do look to see if one could have died, but most likely it is just shy and will come out when its ready.


I have checked all around the tank, and in the hood. The tank has a semi top on it. acctually it is all covered but it would be possible for a fish to jump out of the holes and get stuck in the hood, possible but highly unprobably. Anyway i have already checked there, no fish. It is a big tank with lots of live rock and places to hide, but I never thought it would be this hard to find a fish. The other firefish is out all the time, and seems very happy, I think I have found his cave, and it looks like only he is living in it. I checked the filter system to see if it oculd have gone into the over flow system, and I found my shrimp, lol. But no fish. I was just hopeing there was some magic incantation that could be used to discover the hideing spots of all the fish, but looks like there isnt. I was also wondering if it is possible that the fish is still alive.


Active Member
hmmm, do you have a starfish? Ours is quite the carnivore.
He tried to eat a fish that that died during the night and we of course weren't aware of it. That morning, we saw part of the fish from under the star. Doesn't this make you nuts? I remember helping our neighbor.....we were going crazy, not to mention stirring up the tank. Maybe leave the lights off or even at night see if you can see him sneaking out.....


Active Member
It's not unusual for firefish or other gobies to stay hidden until comfortable. Some seem to hide all the time unless eating. You never know until after you've purchased a particular one. I'd say if you don't see the other one in a couple of weeks, don't worry about it. I had a scissortail that I didn't see for 3 months. Thought for sure he was dead. Then, he started coming out again. He still ate, just did it in private.:rolleyes:
Good Luck!


Active Member
sorry to hear that they only hide. I have heard that about alot of them. Mine is always out in the front of the tank. I guess mine likes show off.