Firefish Mating?


I have 2 firefish, and they were swimming side by side for a month and now I hardly ever see one of them.The one that hides, has a short dorsal fin and the one that stays out has a long dorsal fin.Ever once and awhile, the long fin darts back to the cave the short fin lives in. They sleep together.Could they have mated and laid eggs?I sure hope so! :)


Active Member
could be. Alot of times one of the species will stay by the eggs. I beleive the one with the longer fin is the male. But im not totally sure. That would be cool if they did mate! good luck.
When I lived in Nashville I had a mated pair of firefish!!! They were awesome. They did the same thing you say yours are doing, only I never saw eggs or babies. I wonder what all requirements need to be met for them to successfully lay eggs and hatch them in a tank. Good Luck on it!!!


I last saw the shortfin through a crack in a rock earlier this afternoon. I always see it in the same spot.If they did lay eggs, what should I do?


Another scenario could be that one of your fire fishes is picking on the other and focing it to hide.


Active Member
Another scenario could be that one of your fire fishes is picking on the other and focing it to hide.
they stay in the same cave


Active Member
I know this is a very skeptical answer but here's what I would do. Well first, do you have any other fish in your tank?
Ok, if not I would leave them be. If they lay eggs than they will eventually hatch and the fish will care for them. If you have more fish, take them out or put them in a breeder net until you are certain.
As for caring for the fish, I would try to get them together when you find them and put them in a breeder net and feed them food from there.
Also, I would make sure you do whatever you can to get your water quality perfect. I apologize for the obvious answers but this is all I could think of this late.