firefish swallowing air?


I have a purple firefish that is exhibiting some rather odd symptoms, he is swimming around with his tail pointed at an upward angle, and he seems to have to work hard at keeping at any particular level in the tank, he always seemst o drift upwards. I saw him yesterday mistaking bubbles for food, but he seemed to just pass them out his gills or spit them out, I am wondering if perhaps he swallowedsome air and this is why he is acting weird. If he did, will it hurt him? I know seahorses and puffers can't handle ingesting air, but what about other fish? Any help would be a big relief. Thanks.


well, I hope this didn't sound too panicky, but my fish just "farted" a few minutes ago. Quite literally a bubble of gas pooped out of his anal vent, along with some fishy doodoo. Hopefully he'll vent the rest of the air he swallowed and not swallow anymore air in the future.


Active Member
yupper fish do that sometimes.. the get air of somekind trap in them and just float to the top ... it's nothing.. to worry about.. i have heard that feeding them a pea will help them.. and probaly will.. but .. it's just what i heard what to feed them when the y get air.. i have yet to feed my fish pea..


New Member
hey, actually you can give your fish peas.....those frozen baby peas you get at the grocery store that is.
but you must take the skin off the outside of the pea before you give it to them, because the skin can make them choke.
I work at petsmart and when our fish get "bloated with air" lol, we give them peas. It helps really well.


Active Member
i think just drop the whole pea in and let it take a nibble.... and you think thats weird?? ................ look at all the people dripping pickling lime!!!!!


Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
i think just drop the whole pea in and let it take a nibble.... and you think thats weird?? ................ look at all the people dripping pickling lime!!!!!

My grandmother visited me some time ago and asked me why I had a half full can of Balls Pickling lime sitting in the fridge, I told her I use it in my aquarium, she just gave me a yea whatever look. haha


Originally Posted by mytwoboys
What does Pickling lime do?
pickling lime is calcium hydroxide. Kalkwasser is made from calcium hydroxide. Commercially available aquarium calcium hydroxide can cost upwards of 10-20 bucks for 250 grams. Balls Pickling lime is available at the grocery store for a couple bucks for 453 grams. I've heard of a few folks that won't use the pickling lime because it might have contaminants, I've been using it for a few years with no problems at all.