firefish tail fin


I acquired 2 purple firefish from my LFS about 2 weeks ago. One was perfect, and one has a chunk missing from the end of his tail. I did not know this when I bought him. Although he is more shy than his brother, he is eating and is not pestered by the other fish in the tank. I think he is doing better, and it may be my imagination, but I think his tail is growing back. Is there anything else I can do for him besides excellent water quality, and making sure he eats regularly? He is in a soft reef tank with lots of live rock, where he hides when he wants to, so moving him to a QT is not too practical. I would have to tear the whole tank apart to get him.
SG 1.023-.024
dKH 10
Ca 450
pH 8
ammon, nitrite, nitrate all 0
limited hair algae,
more and more coraline algae
55gal tank has been going nicely for 6 months.
I top off every other day, and change 10% weekly using Milli-Q water that I get from my lab.
Any advice would be most appreciated! Thanks!

debra w-c

New Member
I've had excellent results with treating a firefish with a torn fin with Melafix and stress coat for one week. I put him in QT and I'm sure I would put Melafix in my main tank, but it is reef safe....
Tail is fine and no problems with the recovery.
I think this is common when they are kept in tight quarters, they tend to feud over space...
Best of Luck,


Staff member
He is doing just fine and doesn't require treatment. Personally, I wouldn't use any type of medication in a reeftank.
High quality nutrition will go a long way for this little fish. :D