

New Member
My tank has been up for about 6 months and is doing well. I have
2 percs
10 scarlet hermits
10 astria snails
5 cerinths
1 skunk cleaner and 1 peppermint shrimp
1 emerald crab
I am thinking about adding a firefish or two. How have your experience with these fish been, and do people recommend getting one or two or three. Thanks for any input. I have a 55 gallon with 40 lbs of liverock.


Active Member
Great fish, they do best in pairs or groups, they also have a tendency to jump ship.


Active Member
get a least two. Don't mix though. purple w/ orange. We love ours. (spike and alfalpha ) They are skittish and timid at first. One of ours jumped, something spooked him. :nope: The 2 we have now, seem to have the "lay of the land". They will swim really fast to the top and then back down again.
You will enjoy them....


Active Member
Very cool in pairs. I had two once upon a time. One jumped and I found it the next day behind my tank.
I thought they wouldn't jump since I have 150lbs of lr to hide in. That's what I get for thinking. Since I don't cover my tank I didn't replace it. The other one died about a month later.
I think it was lonely.


I love my pair. They are very colorful. When feeding time comes and the flakes go through my overflow and return through the tank outlets they fly around like crazy getting all the pieces. And boy are they fast!


i also had one jump. i only have 1 1/2 inch opening in the back of my tank but i guess it got through.
the question i have is do i add another to replace it, or let the other one live as a single.