

New Member
I got 3 new pieces of lr yesterday from my lfs and now there are fire worms in my tank!! Should I try to get them out? My tank is still cycling right now- but I eventually want corals. Any info would be appreciated.
Also there is a red feathery "thing" on a piece of the rock too. It actually looks like a small feather duster. It contracts quickly inside the rock if I go near the tank - any idea what this could be? Could it be a feather duster without a tube in the rock???


New Member
I just did a search on here to see if there were any past posts of fire worms. I found out that they are bristle worms of some sort and that some of you think they are good and some of you think they are bad.
The ones in my tank are about 1 inch to 2 inches long. I have only seen three so far.
About the "feather duster" in the rock - does anybody have any ideas?

the claw

Active Member
Fireworms feed on gorgions, anenomes, and stony corals. I suppose if you don't want them eating those things in your aquarium, you had better remove them. If you aren't going to have those things then I guess they are ok. I wouldn't pet them, because they are called fireworms for a reason other than them being red. (they can be other colors as well)
Yes that is probably a feather duster, and a welcome visitor.


Active Member
Yes, Those are brissle worms. Mine look like that and help to keep the tank clean. I had some that got really hudge once before I got some critters that eat them to keep them from growing so big before they get eaten. I have a six line wrasse who is suppose to eat them (haven't seen it, but they only come out at night) and I was up in the middle of the nightand caught my scarlet skunk shrimp eating a small one. I have had peppermint shrimp in the past who would eat them also. I have never had any problems with the type that I have....they look kind of like the one in your picture. Mine keep the sand bed clean. I think that some types are harmful, but probably not yours. Lesley