First Alk/Ca readings


I just got the sailfert kits and my fisrt set of readings are:
Alk: 4.0
Ca 350ppm
Po4: 0
pH is 8.1-8.2 (I use a meter)
This 30g tank has been up for 3 months and I have dosed 7mls of Kent Probuffer almost every day. I started using Kalkwasser for top off about 4 weeks ago
Alk seems a bit high so i may cut back a bit on buffer. Ca is a bit low so I will continue the Kalwasser. Any other suggestions?


Active Member
Your alk IMO is not too high. It is at the high end of the desirable range so . . . What I would do is to only adjust one thing at a time. Either alk buffer, or kalk. Keep the other stable. Otherwise, you will never know which made an effect. If I were you, I would lower the alk buffer a bit, leave the kalk alone and I bet that you alk will fall and ca will come up placing both numbers right where you want them.


Active Member
I like the way JustinX thinks. That's a pretty good way of troubleshooting the problem.
I don't know how long it would take though, just using kalkwasser.
Another approach would be to get something like Kent's Liquid Calcium ( calcium chloride in water solution ) and dose this to the tank.
It should bring up your calcium level.
I agree that alkalinity of 4.0 meq/l ( 11.2 dKH ) is not that bad either ..... providing your calcium was around 440 ppm and pH at 8.2
Maybe try some calcium chloride, continue to test for alk/cal/pH and when you're happy with the results - maintain the levels with the limewater.
Or if you prefer - back off on the buffer and see what the kalkwasser does - that would be worthwhile too ;)

nm reef

Active Member
I've never had much success establishing calcium levels with kalkwasser. It does a great job of maintaining established levels...but for me at least it has done very little to raise calcium.
I would suggest some type of calcium suppliment to combine with your alkalinity buffer. Possibly even cut back on the kalk until you've increased your calcium to the level you desire. Then start back with the kalk and a regular schedule of calcium/alkalinity suppliments.
Your alkalinity level is good...on the high end but obviously the buffer has established a good simply establish your calcium around 400-450 ppm and use the kalk to maintain those levels.:cool: