first attempt at: sump / fuge


i cant wait any longer for all of my order to arrive ,so i made this

does it look ok? do you think it work ?
looking for conformation .....or rejection
i haven't cut the glass baffles yet. because ,the skimmer is supposed to be in 8-10 inches of water and i dont know if the skimmer will fit under the stand being raised up 4 to 5 inches . ( the skimmer should be here this week) so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated befor i start the real thing...


Active Member
Looks good man. I just went ahead and bought one yesterday got it at wholesale cost or lower.. I got bored like u and hooked it up without having anything in it yet lol. I went with a out of sumo/refuge skimmer as I wanted more water volume plus the height of the stand would make it difficult to get under it and unscrew it.


I wanna see yours when it is done :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
I've read on here that you shouldn't have your skimmer before the refugium chamber.

Mine will be after but I can see why though as you lose beneficial stuff I suppose.


from what i understand, its ok to have your skimmer befor the fuge because it wont be able to skim all the water entering that chamber anyway ,so some of the nutrients will still pass to the fuge chamber . but, you dont want the fuge befor the skimmer because then you would be skimming some of the stuff you want to make back to your tank ( please correct me if im wrong) as i am just learning myself


Active Member
You want the skimmer before the fuge. That way the skimmer takes out any detritus before it has a chance to settle into your fuge and covering macro's just adding to the load on the tank. A skimmer and fuge do not compete for nutrients at all. They perform completely different functions. A skimmer removes DOC's before they have a chance to break down and enter the Nitrogen cycle. It does not remove nitrates at all. It can remove phosphates if you drip kalk into the skimmer. A fuge on the other hand does nothing to remove DOC's, just NO3 and PO4-the end product of the N cycle.


Originally Posted by Hurt
You want the skimmer before the fuge. That way the skimmer takes out any detritus before it has a chance to settle into your fuge and covering macro's just adding to the load on the tank. A skimmer and fuge do not compete for nutrients at all. They perform completely different functions. A skimmer removes DOC's before they have a chance to break down and enter the Nitrogen cycle. It does not remove nitrates at all. It can remove phosphates if you drip kalk into the skimmer. A fuge on the other hand does nothing to remove DOC's, just NO3 and PO4-the end product of the N cycle.

thanks for the break down , it helps .


Skim after fuge
Then I read and researched much...too much is all what you can do with what you have
In fact, I ended up doing a sump (Skim and heat) and a Fuge...Pumping the fuge overflow into the sump after the Skim...almost keeping them seperate but using only one return pump...
only been a bit as my fuge is new...but the more water, the I thought it would work....
All in all...Do water changes. do not over feed and feed healthy food. (proper temp, adequate flow and Skimming)..anything else really does not matter...IMHO


Active Member
How does this look ? sorry its 4th grade.
The white lines are baffles the intake will be moved to the right on the other side of the first baffle and then the bubble trap then the dsb refuge to the intake and skimmer.