first canister filter advice


i was looking at switching from my penguin hang on back filter to a canister filter to eliminate micro bubbles and free up space behind the tank. I was looking at getting a Eheim Plus 2213-37. Its rated for 66 gallons and its going on my 40 gal breeder tank. Does that seem like a decent filter? id like to spend under 100 bucks if possible.
Any other canister filter suggestions are welcome, havent purchased anything yet, looking to in about a week though.
Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spkdtch
i was looking at switching from my penguin hang on back filter to a canister filter to eliminate micro bubbles and free up space behind the tank. I was looking at getting a Eheim Plus 2213-37. Its rated for 66 gallons and its going on my 40 gal breeder tank. Does that seem like a decent filter? id like to spend under 100 bucks if possible.
Any other canister filter suggestions are welcome, havent purchased anything yet, looking to in about a week though.
Thanks for the help!
Here are a few guide lines for a decent canister filter...from the school of hard knocks..
It should be easy to remove with shut off valves for maintenance reasons...otherwise you have to remove all the tubing just to change media and clean it. It should also be easy to open, some canisters are so hard to open after the vacuum effect it is like breaking concrete.
I use a cascade...because the above list was what was wrong with the last filter that I replaced. I didn’t like the Marine brand and I hate fluval. That is the one with the above problems. I am not sure about the brand you are looking at. As long as it has the above things check out...go for it
The cascade has handles that lift up and break the seal after it has vacuumed, and it has great cut off valves to remove the canister and leave all the tubes in place with no spills. The valves are color coded to tell which is intake and output …real handy.
Happy shopping!


i didnt try the filter pad, figured a new filter would do the trick and save space and just keep all the salt in the water, not on my walls
and i looked at a few different posts and many people seem to like that brand, but i wasnt sure since the one i want is a base model


Active Member
I use a rena XP1 filter on my 10g. I modded the spray bar so sit in a verticle way plus I drilled more holes inbetween the existing ones (every other one) and it works great provides a nice current also in different directions. But now im thinking of putting it into my fuge with a stocking over the intake so it doesnt suck anything good and kill it, also itll free up my main tank which is cluttered with mechanical parts
Modded spray bar.
Attachment 225275


I have a Rena Filstar xP3 its very easy to clean, no mess...just a thought


you can probly get the Rena Filstar xP1 for around 100 or less how big is your tank?


OK I see yu have a 40 gal...look into the xP2 then they are resonable


Active Member
Yeah the xp's are good this is my first canister also. Really easy to set up and install worth the money also.