First Corals Coming in Tomorrow


Finally have my first corals coming tomorrow from the Central Ohio frag swap. Here's the list of corals i have reserved for me, total cost $160. They will be in my 75 under two 175watt 10k HM. Anything i should be concerned about? I'll be drip acclimating them (it's gonna take forever). I do 10 (sometimes 15) gallon water changes weekly with RO/DI with Instant Ocean salt. inhabitants are two sebae clowns, one false perc, Banded Sleeper Golby (sometimes called Dragon Golby), 2 chromis and a small blue damsel, inverts are assorted snails and hermits, a bubble tip anemone and a cleaner shrimp. Ofcourse pictures will be coming.
Green tip Frogspawn
Pulsing Pink Xenia
Green Star Polyp
Gold/Tan Digi
armor of god zoas/pally
blue stripe mushroom
pink zoo polyps
pink-n-green zoos
purple cap with purple polyps
rainbow ric
red skirt green starburst center zoos
redish orange mushrooms
purple/pink zoos
Colt coral
Green frilly Mushrooms
Zoas - Radioactive Dragon Eyes
Caulestrea Sp. Candy Coral
Green Singulara
Greenish Yellow encrusting Monti
Red Monti Caps
Yellow sun polyps
Pink and Green Birdsnest


If i did it again. I wouldnt put a mushroom in my tank I started with 1 purple 1 green 1 green/teal. I have so many now I dont know what to do with them. There everywhere....


Active Member
Congrats on your first coral purchase. I remember when I first started my company, all the coral and inverts that came in, I wanted to keep instead of sale. After a while, I just ordered multiple of the same so I would have one for myself as well. Now, as they come in, I find myself saying " got it got it need it got it dont ever want it got it got it need it" lol


Active Member
thats exciting getting that much coral at once.
I wouldnt bother drip acclimating them all, I never drip acclimate any corals, just temperature acclimate (float for 15minutes to a half hour)


Active Member
I'd just temp acclimate too, looks like you got a good deal, now you just have to figure out where to put them all, your tank will look like it filled up overnight! Get some pics up after they all adjust in their new digs.


hopefully i can get some pictures tomorrow. i need to mess with my camera settings to get something worth showing. but the good news is all 23 items i got all seem to have made it into my tank alive and just about everything opened up, the xenia was pulsing even while i was carrying them around in the bag.


Okay, finally got the camera to take some decent pictures. Still, they aren't so great. Anyone there know a great camera I can buy for under $200? We have a crappy Sony Cybershot 3.2mp and hoping to buy a new one this weekend, but am on a budget. Everyone's pics always look great! Mine however, well...
So anyway! We had a blast (my fiancee and I) at the CORA swap this weekend. And after a very long year and a half of keeping our FOWLR tanks alive and well while doing coral research (and saving $$) we finally got our first 23 frags!
And all for $160. Many great buys were to be found. Can't wait till next year!

Up first, our damsel investigating the new frogspawn

Our red monti

From left to right: Neon green dragon-eye zoos, green/brown encrusting monti, armor of god zoos, yellow sun polyps, candy cane, and golden pink birdsnest

Close-up (as much as our cam can handle) of the green/brown encrusting monti and armor of gods


Okay, finally got the camera to take some decent pictures. Still, they aren't so great. Anyone there know a great camera I can buy for under $200? We have a crappy Sony Cybershot 3.2mp and hoping to buy a new one this weekend, but am on a budget. Everyone's pics always look great! Mine however, well...
So anyway! We had a blast (my fiancee and I) at the CORA swap this weekend. And after a very long year and a half of keeping our FOWLR tanks alive and well while doing coral research (and saving $$) we finally got our first 23 frags!
And all for $160. Many great buys were to be found. Can't wait till next year!

Up first, our damsel investigating the new frogspawn
HTML Code:
[pre]<img src="">
Our red monti
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From left to right: Neon green dragon-eye zoos, green/brown encrusting monti, armor of god zoos, yellow sun polyps, candy cane, and golden pink birdsnest
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Close-up (as much as our cam can handle) of the green/brown encrusting monti and armor of gods
<img src="">[/pre]


Okay, finally got the camera to take some decent pictures. Still, they aren't so great. Anyone there know a great camera I can buy for under $200? We have a crappy Sony Cybershot 3.2mp and hoping to buy a new one this weekend, but am on a budget. Everyone's pics always look great! Mine however, well...
So anyway! We had a blast (my fiancee and I) at the CORA swap this weekend. And after a very long year and a half of keeping our FOWLR tanks alive and well while doing coral research (and saving $$) we finally got our first 23 frags!
And all for $160. Many great buys were to be found. Can't wait till next year!

Up first, our damsel investigating the new frogspawn