First corals, feeding question


I got three corals for my tank to start with. A green open brain. A frag of 5 zoos and 3 yellow stone polyps.
The guy at LFS gave me 2 thing to feed in my tank. Its called plancto and the other is life A. He said to put a half of milegram of each into tank for 2 days in a row and skip the third. Does this sound right?
Life A box says it is " decapsulated artemia cyst" which are shell free
Plancto box says " highly concetrated food for plankton and inverterbrates"...I think this stuff is supposewd tosupport the Life A and help the artemia cyst that are not ate grow and reproduce??????
Is this stuff ok to feed my corals? I only have three small frags but i wana do it right and start off right ya know.
Both are made by Aqua Medic if that helps identify them.


Active Member
green brain and yellow polyps will eat. the zoas u dont hv to feed. i wouldnt feed them everyday tho. maybe 2x per week at most. i never fed mine the product u mentioned. i only use phyto and mysis shrimp.


I have brine and mysis shrimp that i feed my fire shrimp, i can do that but the flow in my tank worries me. Do i need to kill all PH and pumps when feeding them or just let the little amount i feed just " blow" around in the water column and hope the brain and yellow polyps get some?
think i will order some cyclopleze.


Active Member
the brain coral will hv feeding tentacles out to grab whatever food floats by. the yellow polyps will be to be fed each with perhaps a turkey baston or syringe.


Well the thing is there gona have to be quick b/c when i tried to spot feed my shrimp the water movement blew the brine everywhere...will the yellow polyps grab em that fast or am i supposed to shut down my system?
Im new to this sorry to sound dumb


Active Member
if u use a feeding prong, the yellow polpys tentacles will grab on to the food once u offer it.


feeding prong????
Also my brain coral had its mouth open for the first time tonight and i fed it Life A, Its small shrimp or artemia cyst according to LFS guy. When i put it in DT it looked liked very fine and small brown dust blowing around everywhere...The fire shrimp loved it and yellow polyps were wide open. I didnt see any go in the brain and i cant figure out a way to spot feed it brine or mysis b/c the shrimp will get it or PH blow it all over the tank.


Active Member
The brain needs larger meaty foods, I feed mine mysis, pellets, etc. You don't need plankton for anything in your tank really so sounds like you got hosed on that one, never heard of the other stuff.


yeah. These LFS try to sell you everything but the kitchen sink Im learning. When they go into this " we use this in all our tanks" I started saying well show me the open bottle so i can see what it looks like, can we pour some into the cup you use to feed with etc...that shuts em up quick. You ought to see the looks and hear the excuses why they cant get it right now !!!!!!!!