First Cycling Update

Well I set up my aquarium a day after Christmas day and bought around 15lbs of live rock. I threw in a peice of shrimp and my ammonia jumped up to 2.5 in 1 day I didnt have time to do the other measures. I took it out (wasnt fuzzy but people on the forums say leave it till ammonia reaches 1.0).Well here are my parameters is it currently cycling or is it ready for a few inverts.
P.S. im planning on addin another 10lbs by next week and its going to be a FoWLR any help will be really appreciated.
High Range 100 Low Range 20
Im using Red Sea Marine Lab so I dont know which thing to you for Nitrate
so any I mean any info please ask or tell me
I thank you bunches


you use the low end, otherwise your tank would be WAAAAY high. Wait until your ammonia and nitrite 0 out. Its tough but the ammonia should be down really really soon and the trite shouldn't be far after.
Also you might want to wait until the other LR is so you dont get a mini cycle.
ok just making sure its going to two weeks of cycling this wednesday. Alright my patience is going to pay off. Im suprised also because I got to feather dusters that came with the live rock and have not died yet they actually grew quite large in these two week period. More info on what to do next and stuff along those lines will be highly appreciated
Thank You


How large is your tank?
After the cycle you get a clean up crew. A basic crew mind you. The tank won't support a ton just yet. I would say a few snails probably turbo/astrea and some nassarius and maybe a cleaner shrimp (skunk/scarelet) and/or a peppermint shrimp or two.
It does depend on the size of your tank and how nice that LR is.
Originally Posted by Lecithin
How large is your tank?
After the cycle you get a clean up crew. A basic crew mind you. The tank won't support a ton just yet. I would say a few snails probably turbo/astrea and some nassarius and maybe a cleaner shrimp (skunk/scarelet) and/or a peppermint shrimp or two.
It does depend on the size of your tank and how nice that LR is.
Well my tank is a 55 gallon
It has a sump filter with a 10g rubbermaid as the sump
it also has a bio wheel marine land filter
The rocks have quite alot of coralline probrably 40% of it is covered and has alot of junk on it thats flowing around that needs to be picked off
Well im going to sleep if you guys can leave comments and info in what I need to do no matter what it is and ask questions that will be in the lines of helping me and ill answer when I get back from school around 3:30PM. I really really appreciate all the help you guys give me.