first decent pics of my 90 in-wall display


They still aren't the greatest, but I still figured I'd share. The first few are some full tank shots.

Left side

Right side

Plate coral-grown from a half dollar size a year ago

My two favorite fish...Blue Tang and Sailfin


Back of the tank in the unfinished area



Active Member
could you post a fish list as well as corals and how much lr and ls.. i am possibly ugrading to a 90 and would like to get some ideas


I'm guessing I have about 65-75 lbs of LR. As for corals, I have a mixed setup. I have zoos, some scattered mushrooms that I hand picked to get rid of but they still come back. I have two leathers. I have a heads in a hammer for LPS along with a small frag of galaxia(give it room). I also have a plate on the starboard. I have so many frags of acro and I just don't know the specific names. Now that I got the new 175 watt Iwasaki 15k's, they are starting to take off. Fish list:
4 green chromis
1 Blue Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Royal gramma
1 Firefish
1 sixline wrasse
The LR is a mix of Fiji and Haitian.


Active Member
Originally Posted by giants4pc
I'm guessing I have about 65-75 lbs of LR. As for corals, I have a mixed setup. I have zoos, some scattered mushrooms that I hand picked to get rid of but they still come back. I have two leathers. I have a heads in a hammer for LPS along with a small frag of galaxia(give it room). I also have a plate on the starboard. I have so many frags of acro and I just don't know the specific names. Now that I got the new 175 watt Iwasaki 15k's, they are starting to take off. Fish list:
4 green chromis
1 Blue Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Royal gramma
1 Firefish
1 sixline wrasse
The LR is a mix of Fiji and Haitian.
i would love to have a hippo and a sailfin tang in a upgrade to a 90 but its too small for them in the long run.. unless i buy a 125! lol anyways like i said b4
beautiful tank and very well set up as far a aqausaping and corals.
btw how long hs this been set up?


That is just beautiful, looks like a picture hanging on the wall in the first picture. I would love to be able to have a in wall like that and then a room where you could hide everything. WOW. Thanks for sharing.


That is a nice tank. The way it is mounted or coming out of the wall looks like a frame. And the pics of your live stock is awsome. I bet you get a lot of ohh and ahhs when guest come over. Nice


Both the Blue Tang and Sailfin are less than 3" right now so it isn't an issue. I may have to adjust when they get too big, but right now, they are doing fine. I started saltwater about 3 years ago. This tank is only a few months old (after the move I mean). I started SPS about 4-5 months ago.