New Member

Well I know it's all part of the hobby but it sucks when it happens. Thanks to a faulty heater, some questionable husbandry, and a TERRIBLE LFS my six-line died today. I know they're not the most expensive fish in the store but I liked this little guy. He had some personality and was the first addition to my tank. I hate to admit that most of this is probably my fault.
I didn't have a QT set up and added a couple of ocelleris clowns a week or so ago. After a few days or so I noticed that one of the clowns had a white mass on one of his pectoral fins. It appeared to0 small to be ich and resembled a freshwater fungal infection, albeit a minor one. The same night my brand new "fully submersible" heater failed and the temp dropped down to about 68. The next morning the clowns were covered in the tell tale salt like specks of ich. The 6-line seemed unfazed but had one tiny white spec. So off to my not so local fish store as my local fish store here SUCKS! https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/353080/coral-i-think-id-please
BTW I bought the tank and all the fish from this store BEFORE this incident. The owner dotes about his 26 years of experience and I took him to be a subject matter expert. Boy was I wrong.
I set up a 10 gallon hospital tank and began treatment. I tossed the wrasse in just to be safe and to wait out the six month time frame it takes to get the ich out of the DT. There's a specialty salt water store about an hour from here that recommended a product called rid ich. I was really leaning more towards hyposalinity but I haven't been able to lay my hands on a refractometer yet. I suppose I'll have to order one on line. Does anyone recommend the one for sale on this site?
The HT is a 10 gal tank with a hang on filter, heater, and minimal sand substrate. The owner recommended setting the temp to 82 but I opted to leave it the same temp as my DT to try and minimize stress. I put some construction paper on the sides of the tank and tossed in some clean coffee mugs for a place to hide (all I had at the time) I used water and a small amount of sand from the DT tank and waited a day to move the fish. All test results were in normal ranges:
pH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20 (thought this was a little odd. DT is at 0. Lack of live rock I guess)
All the fish did fine the first day and through most of the second. When I came home from work on day 2 the wrasse was belly up. Clowns appear fine and no longer have the salt spots. Whether or not this is due to the medication or the normal life cycle of ich is unclear. My guess is just the usual life cycle. The one clown does still have the large white spot on one fin though. I'm still not sure what it is but haven't been able to get a clear picture yet. I intend to continue the rid ich treatment for the recommended 3 days after the last sign of infection and then keep the clowns in the DT for 6 weeks. If I can obtain a refractometer soon I'll slowly drop the salinity as well. Hopefully this will take care of the white spot.
I suppose this really should have been in the Fish disease and treatment forum but I'm still quite new to the hobby and consider myself a newbie. I'm open to any and all advice, constructive criticism etc. Thanks in advance for the help.