First fish


New Member
After 2 months and lots of reading your posts we finally have our first fish. With a 2 and 3 year old bet you could guess what ones the wanted. Theres been a emeraled crab, turbo, and coral banded for a few weeks. The clean up crew will be ordered in 2-3 weeks. Maybe some more fish in a couple of months, but the most I have read is take it slow and so far that has worked great. 120 gallon, 150lbs LR, 900gph flow, and I am building the hood with lights to match the cab. Remora Pro with pump upgrade and skimmer basket on the way.
Thanks for all the great info.


New Member
For lighting I plan to keep it simple at first but leave it very open for upgrades. I don't plan on any corals or other harder to keep items until the tank is no less than 8 months old, so if needed I'll make a better light choice then. Just taking it slow and easy, I don't feel the need to have any livestock pay the price for my dumb choices


:eek: WOW!!! Hats off to you for your abundance of intelligence. So far it seems that you are doing everything by the book!! VERY nice tank by the way, and your protien skimmer is a GOOD choice (IME, that's what I have) Just be aware that your skimmer box will be HUGE!! I was somewhat disappointed at how big it is... But good luck with your tank!!!!!