Are you ready?
Here it goes
Yellow tang
Sailfin Tang
Naso Tang(Female)
Hippo Tang
Scopas Tang
Purple Tang
Chevron Tang
Pigmy Angel(Cherub Angelfish)
Red Lip Blenny
Landmower Blenny
2 Maroon Clowns(Maited Pair)
Marine Beta
2 Yellow stripe gobys(Maited Pair)
Pink Spoted Goby(My sand shifter)
Clean Up Crew:
2 Blood Red Shrimp(Maited Pair)
Cleaner Shrimp
Coral Banded Srimp
50 blue hermit crabs
5 Turbo snails
Lettuce Snail
3 Bristle Stars
2 250 MH
4 PC 65watt 2 03 actinic, 2 50/50 10k 03
Wet/ Dry Mag 7, 700gal/hr (Inside the tank)
10 gal Hang on Fuge 106gal/hr pump
20 gal sump 1,080 gal/hr lifetech pump
Turbo skimmer
3 power heads
8watt UV
???? lbs of Live rock
60 lbs Live Sand
4 fans (On Canopy)
Pacific Coast Cl-280 1/10hp Chiller(Best Small One)
To Many to name
Hope this helps!!!! and please don't try this at home.