First Fish?


So, I have a 72 gal tank that's been up and running for about a month and a half now and I finally started seeing my brown diatoms appearing within the last two weeks and all my levels have now dropped back to zero. I think it's finally time to purchase my greatly anticipated first fish.
I've got my QT setup with my already cycled tank water and I plan to go get my fish tomorrow.
I currently have about 20 snails, 20 hermits, a cleaner clam, 3 emerald crabs, a sally lightfoot, cleaner shrimp, and 3 peppermint shrimp.
I'd like to get some thoughts on what would be a good first fish for me. From researching around, I've kinda been leaning toward a sixline wrasse to start with. Any ideas on that or other suggestions?
Thanks for your input, it's always greatly appreciated. You guys have helped me out tremendously so far, and I look forward to learnining more and being able to help others down the road. Thanks again.


congrats. it sounds like you are prepared for your first fish. a sixline wrasse would be a good choice.