first fishes in the tank!!!!!!!


just got 2 black peracula (sp) clowns. i am so excited, i can't wait to get my coral beauty .but i do got one question, what is another fish that i could get besides a wrasse. thanks for the help. oh i have a 46 g bow
thanks tyler


Tyler-Congrats on the new fish!! That's so exciting. :jumping: I wish you the best. Have you thought of maybe a gobi shrimp pair. I love mine. Also, there's the royal gramma or flame angel. Are you going reef or fish only? That will steer you in a certain direction.


i was thinking about getting a few corals but not alot, i only have pc's so i can't get alot (right??) wouldn't 2 angles be to much for a 46 g? thanks for the help


Active Member
Congrates on the perculas! Got any pics of them? How about some blue-green reef chromis, or some fire fish. Its really just up to you.


Hey Tyler, great to hear you are up and running. Love the clowns, wish I had got black percs myself. Get a blenny they have great personalities! I have a Red Sea Mimic Blenny and love him. Other cool ones are Bicolor blennies. I would wait a while on the Coral Beauty but deffinately get one I love mine. And as for the PC lighting you can have zoo's, mushrooms, frogspawn, hammer, toadstools, leathers, brains, colts, and much more! Research some sites and check the lighting needs. If you have some more questions e-mail me if you still have my e-mail, if not post here and I will e-mail you.
First pic Red Sea Mimic Blenny
Second pic Coral Beauty



Active Member
Congrats! To answer your question, you can't put 2 angels in your tank, but I would get a goby, great fish!