first foray into saltwater...little help please


New Member
ok, so i've decided to take the plunge into saltwater, and i've spent the better part of this week researching the best way to do it, and must come to you all with some conflicting advice i have received, so any help here would be appreciated greatly.
1) Live rock & live sand - No need to clean before adding to thank right? (also, should i use all live sand or a substitute?)
2) RO water, how important is it? ... is tap or distilled water really bad, and if i must use RO water is there a cheaper way other than buying a $200 RO unit?
3) cleaning crew - Should i add in before or after the cycle? ... and what would you recommend a cleaning crew for a 40g tank consist of?
4) my hood currently has 2 regular flurescent bulbs, are these sufficient for SW, or should i get something specific?
I greatly appreciate any advice you folks may have for a SW newbe.


Active Member

1. Right, the live rock will cycle your tank. If it is truly disgusting you can rinse it off in a bucket of saltwater. I prefer all live sand so it looks good!
One or two 25 pound bags is plenty.
2. Very. Most good
fish stores sell saltwater already mixed or you can by RO from the fish store (or wal-mart) and then mix your own.
3. After. A dozen mixed snails (Astraea, Nassarius, Cerithium
) and a half dozen hermits of your choice, to start with. You can add a few more later if needed. No Turbo
snails in a tank that small.
4. If you don't want corals they are fine. If you do
want corals, you need to spend some money on better lights.


New Member
thanks wax for your welcome and the good and fast advice.
i'm very glad to have stumbled on this board today as i have already learned so much in the last few hours alone.


Its probably not very good advise because I am newbie also, but I am sure somebody might correct me, and I want to bring this thread on top. :)
You might get away with tap water (as many hobbyist do). However the major problem with tap water is phosphates, nitrates, chlorine and other chemicals (some of them needed) Have a little research on the "allowable" levels, and check you tap water yourself. But better use RO. I do suggest you to invest in RO unit. Its maybe not such a money saver, but it is convenient to have RO water always handy and not drive to the store to get it. RO unit not difficult to install either (I am a woman, and I've done it, after I fed up to pester my husband to do it lol). Its not that expensive either (in comparison, how much more money you going to invest in this hobby). I am in UK, where all this stuff is much more costly then in US, and I still bought RO for about $65 (converted from UK pounds). It works a treat, and I collect 10 gallons of a RO water in a about 6-7 hours.
You can add cleaning crew during cycle, as they very hardy. But its nothing for them to scavenge on in new established tank, so you might end up to feed them, which might be not a bad thing, as food will help to cycle your tank. But better not.
Lighting is ok, but if in a future you want to have corals: at least 3-4 watts per gallon is advisable (very rough guide). Anyway, I think you already done your research and did not told you anything new.