I had my first loss today. My husband wakes up very early. He walked by my 55 gallon and heard alot of gurgling noise and my sump was blowing lots of bubbles. He checked and found my yellow watchmen goby in my prefilter hang on thingy that is next to my overflow. He rescued him and put him back and he is fine. ( I swear this dude has a death wish, he is always doing stupid stuff like this) It was still making bubbles and noise. He checked below and where the tube hits the filter in the wet/dry he found my cute little false perc. clown! He didn't make it. I wonder if this sump is too much trouble. I feel like I can't leave the house. The water level is always dropping and it blows bubbles. I left for 4 days last week and went to Las Vegas and the water level dropped again and my mom and kids left the lights on too long and I came home to an algae mess!! I wonder if I should switch to a canister filter. The sump works really well and I do have a back-up hang on power filter I use as well. I have yet to have nitrates and my water quality is good.
Also what do I do about getting my other false perc another buddy. Is it ok to introduce a new one or will he fight with it? I bought the other one as a pair and they were even starting to get a little freaky. (if ya know what I mean) I am at a loss. I even cried. This sucks!!!