first major death in tank!!!


the past few days my favorite fish, pygmy cherub angel, was not acting like himself. he was not as active as normal and was not zippin in and out of the rocks like usual. he also began to not show much interest in food. i woke up this morning and he was dead!
im gonna test the water soon and post the params.
frogspawn coral
green open brain coral
4 blueleg hermits
2 astrea snails
2 nerite snails
2 nass. snails
1 clownfish (clownfish looks fine and has been acting normally)
params later


got the params:
pH: 7.9
ammonia: 0ppm
trites: 0ppm
trates: 20ppm (this is a little high for a reef tank....possibly due to the death of the angelfish, but shouldnt be enough to harm anything)
temp: 78 degrees F.
i have no idea what may have happened to him? the clownfish looks great and so does the coral??????????
what do ya think?


Active Member
reef keeping is not exact science. sometimes fish will die for no apparent reason. it could be its genetic makeup. sorry for ur lost.


thanks guys...he was full grown when i bought him so maybe it was natural causes. everything else in the tank looks good though. i have had my clownfish for about 9 months and he is growing like crazy. i still feel a little bad though cause i only had the angel for 6 months and he was my favorite fish. oh well.....i guess this happens.


Active Member
One time one of the mods on here added food to his tank during feeding time and one of his fish started to do laps around the tank and seemingly had a heart attack and died. Fish just die sometimes. Good luck


In that small of a tank, he could of got stressed and developed some type of parasite and died.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azul1994
In that small of a tank, he could of got stressed and developed some type of parasite and died.
Very true. To be quite honest, I would only put 1 clown or like 2 damsels max in a tank that size.


yeah, he looked good up until like a day or two before he died. he was always active and pickin stuff off the rocks but i guess he could have been stressed or somethin. i think im just gonna focus mostly on my corals for now and just keep the clown happy (i wanna upgrade to MH for the corals) and maybe sometime in the future get something like a royal gramma.