First nano, may need a bit of help...


For Christmas all my friends and family know I'm into salt water so here is the stuff they got me for me to start a nano. I have not yet set it up yet, I am still researching what to put in it and make sure I have the right equipment.
I do have all the gift receipts so I can exchange anything for something else. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I think the tank is just a little under 5 gallons.
I was given a box of 5 gallons of Real Ocean salt water. (I have never used this before)10lbs of Bio Activ Live Aragronite Reef Sand
A Penguin Mini Bio-Wheel Power Filter, for aquariums up to 20 gallons
A Penguin 550 submersible power head
A Thermal compact submersible aquarium heater, Adjustable Temp.(50 W) "6 "mini
A Coralife mini compact fluorescent 50/50 10 watt
I also have two other tanks, 20 gallon and a 30. In the 20 I have LS, a ton of LR and that's about it except for all the hitch hikers and caulerpa that's growing like crazy.
In the 30 gallon I have I brittle star, and two percula clowns that I have had for about 2 years now and LS and LR.


i use that real ocean water for my water changes in my 10 .. and i love the stuff... so simple...... wouldnt have it any other way ....
if you wanna keep some corals... you might wanna think of more watts from your light... your at about 2w/per gal....
ideal is around 4w/per gal or more
should be fun...... congrats :jumping:


oh and you might wanna ditch the bio wheel.... i read there nitrate factories :happy: