first pic of 180 reef


we'll see how this works. first time ive taken a picture and tried to post. tanks been up since last july. tried to upload more than one pic and was unable to do so. can anyone serve up some advice


Active Member
Very very nice......
You can upload pictures into photobucket...then simply copy the IMG link on here, and that will allow you to place more than one picture at a time...
But this is amazing!!!!!!!!


Active Member
photbuckets cool, but the pics dont stay up very long. try using thats waht i use and i never have problems. relatively simple to use.
tanks looks very cool. you have a fish room behind there?


yea... it's actually a pretty decent set up behind the tank. theres a fair amount of room and since it's closed off, the mess factor becomes a non issue (out of sight). this keeps the wife off my back. ill try to get some more pics up. ive been trying to post more and for whatever reason, the files are failing.


Man oh Man would I like a set up like that. I have been trying to figure out a way to do an in wall look, but don't have any walls that would work.
That looks very very nice. Please post more pictures.