First Porcupine Puffer: Living On The Edge!!!


Happy Monday!!!
After a full cycle and perfect levels, on Saturday, I acquired Gandolf, my first little porcupine puffer. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! However, it is so painful to watch this little creature go through the stress of a new environment, and not eat. He started out strong, did the requisite lethargic bottom-dwell, swam around last night, but has now retreated and looks like he is breathing heavily. From all I have read, this could be days, weeks or months. It's just a painful process to watch. I have a 125-gallon with only four other damsels and a medieval castle, so he can be the king of his kingdom. Just wanting to hear of other PP newbie experiences, as this is TRULY living on the edge watching this little creature and feeling helpless. It's only Day Three. If all is truly in order, what should I realistically be in store for?
Thanks in advance!
Patty (On The Edge!)


Could be one of two possibilities, Damsels are known to be very territorial, and aggressive to new fish, so your damsels could be stressing out your puffer. I know I had 2 damsels terrorize my yellow tang. :mad:
Second, you mentioned that he will not eat, what are you feeding him. According to this site, porcupine puffers require a meaty diet, brine shrimp or frozen sea food... If your just feeding flaks, he probably wont want it...
Just my 2 cents, so wait for the experts...


I am a newby myself.
I too recently accuired a PP (I call him Homer).
The first two days he was fine but refused to eat, the third day I gave him live ghost shrimp and he enjoyed them to no end.
In fact, he over ate, got blotted, and layed lathargicly on the bottem for about two days.
Later he got better and is now swimming around like normal (for the most part).
You might find the links from about 2 weeks ago regarding all that.
I had a damsel or 2 at the time I added the PP, but the PP was tuffer than the damsels.
Though the damsels are mean, and killed a angelfish I got at the same time as the puffer, IMO I don't think they are stressing him out.
I have read about a lot of strande behavior PP seem to have.
They are one strange fish (but I love him).
Give him time to adapt and acclamate (breathing hard didn't seem like suck a bad sign from them, but I was warned about them looking pale and curving there tal to much.
My PP is really finicky and barley will eat the frozen food.
I tried plankton, brine, mysis, and krill. He ate a little krill, but only when I trick him too.
Mine PP got really spolied on live food, you might try it, but you might incounter the problem I am having now trying to feed him frozen foods.
Just some of my newby experiance, as we all (newbies) learn as we go.
Hope some of this might help.


The good news is my puffer is swimming around again. The really, really bad news is the eyes are cloudy, tail wrapped around, looking kind of pale. Won't eat frozen krill or live ghost shrimp. Soaking shrimp in garlic now and will try that. Taking it hour by hour at this point!
Thanks to everyone for your replies. This is really nerve-wracking!!!


Yes, he did puff. However, he was in the water. He was gently guided by hand into the bag. He also puffed a bit during acclimation, but was always in water.


Okay, I'm beginning to wonder if it is the two domino damsels that might be part of the problem. They hover and monopolize the food. I didn't initially think so since puffers are aggressive and bigger. I'm thinking I should try taking the damsels out. But I need to decide soon, before the FS closes. Waddya think?
Thanks again everyone for taking the time to write!!! :happyfish


One eye has cleared up.
Color is coming back.
He's swimming around!!!
Maybe he'll actually eat tonight.
Do a ceremonial dance, say a prayer and/or keep your fingers crossed!!!


I apologize for the excessive posting, but I am going crazy watching this little guy go up and down. He's down again, seemingly gasping for precious life, and I'm feeling awful about not properly acclimating the little guy. I think I need to hire a new fish guy. Thirty years in the business and he didn't tell me about the drip method? He told me to float it for 20, introduce my water into the bag, and float for another 20. I ended up doing 30 minutes of each and thought this would be sufficient. Now, I feel responsible for not properly educating myself. The fish store recomended the drip method, but with the price I'm paying my "expert", I thought I was doing the right thing. This is really, really tough to watch and deal with.
I just needed to vent and am grateful to have found a forum where a soul or two can relate. Thanks for listening.


I am suprised he didn't take to the live food.
Try and remove the damsels.
What is your water testing at, and have you tried a partial water change?
Are your lights on the tank? I heard if fish are stressed the light might bother them.
Keep posting I am interested in what happens.


Gandolf died last night. 'Tis truly a sad day indeed. I feel awful that I made him suffer. I'm hiring someone new so that I can get it right the next time. My $200 a month guy was nowhere to be found this past week. Thanks to everyone here who tried to help me. I'll never forget the little guy.



Active Member
Sorry to here that. Instead of having some quack come in and do stuff how come you dont do it?


Thanks Snipe. We had an agreement that he would act as a kind of mentor to get me started. Quite frankly, after 30 years in the business, I think the guy is burned out. So, we are not a good match ... I'm excited and enthusiastic while I guess he could care less at this point. Since I am so new at this, I thought it would be a good idea to get some hands-on help until I know what the hell I am doing!


Active Member
im a newbie too.. ive only been doing this for a few months, i just read and reserch TONS. i spend a LOT of time on this site, reserching, reading, and asking. its a great place to learn a lot of things.


forget about that loser.... all you really need is some commonsence to ask questions here and you'll learn everything you need. I wish I would have seen this post earlier.... I would have told you to get one of those acrilic feeding sticks and a pack of silver sides. you defrost them and then jam the stike in silver sides mouth. then you soak it in Zoe or garlic and then play with it in front of the PP. they can't get enough of it. they think there eating live food. anyway to late... sorry for you loss


I too had issues with my P. Puffer when I first got him (and I am a big newbie).
Through a lot of asking and advise, from people on this web site, I recieved a lot of help.
Sorry it was to late for your little guy, don't let it discourage you...........