First Salt Tank 55 Gal.


I set up this tank 75 days ago.All is going well.Getting live rock after dec. 25
Im gonna start with 250$ live rock and add Panther grouper and cleanup crew
Brown alge is a killer.



Active Member
Unfortunately, two of the fish that you currently have in the tank (Lion and Yellow Tang) are not suited for either a 55gal. or a 75gal.
An extremely bad choice would be the Pather Grouper, that you're planning to purchase. Not only will it eat anything it can fit in it's mouth (including your other fish) but they grow very quickly and will max out at a few FEET.


Active Member
i agree with the fish issues above, but would like to add that someday that snowflake eel may eat those damsels, and also, the sand sifting star will most likely starve to death.
sorry to be a downer.
just wondering, but how big is the tank you plan on moving your fish too? got any pics? :joy:


I wouldnt mind feeding damsels i want that he ate 1 the first night but thats all
and i vaccume out sand when cleaning and replace a layer with new
in the hope of starfish survival
eel eats mostly fresh fish and seafood chunks now if i dont feed he will prob. eat the rest


Active Member
vaccuming out your sand is very bad. not only can it create a sandstorm, but it removes most of the bacteria that breaks down waste in your tank! Much of it is located on the sandbed. You remove it each time you vaccume.
and also, by removing live sand and replacing it with dead sand, you will just shorten the life of the starfish.


Active Member
Thats a beautiful tank. In my humble inexperienced opinion, that tank is on it's way to crashing big time. 75 days is no way established and already a bio load in there from h*ll. Just my $.02


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Thats a beautiful tank. In my humble inexperienced opinion, that tank is on it's way to crashing big time. 75 days is no way established and already a bio load in there from h*ll. Just my $.02
Perfectly stated Barry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Perfectly stated Barry.
Thanks, I always hate being the bearer of bad news.


sorry im just learning im sure all your tanks are perfect in your eyes
if you see something you know help dont talk crap nobody bashes your stuff


Active Member
i dont think anyone was bashing? i didnt take it as that.
and no, our tanks are not perfect in our eyes. If they were, then we would have money