First saltwater tank equipment choices


New Member
Ok, so revised setup is now:
30 gallon xl tank, with eggcrate top
20 gallon long sump with fuge
Reef octopus NW 110 skimmer
Mag drive 7 pump (nothing wrong with this?)
2 100watt heaters (any recommendations? I'd like one that is less than less than 11" so it can go width wise in the skimmer chamber)
3 powerheads (recommendations?)
For lighting: either the sundial 4 x 54w or nova pro 6 x 54w
$97 difference in price isn't that huge. I do like the features on the sundial. I don't really know jack about corals, does it really make that big a difference for what I could keep?
and while we're at it...
Is the Coralife pure-flo II 50 gpd 4-stage RO-DI ok, or is there something else that I should get?


Active Member
with the pro, you dont have to upgrade, EVER, you could even keep clams under that thing with as short as your tank is, on the pump, u should be golden, and on the powerheads, u should only need 2x hydor koralia 1's, possibly 2's, but im gonna say use the same setup i was gonna use for a 20g long tank i was gonna build and say that 1's will be plenty
the ro di unit i have no say so on whatsoever, i havent even begun to look at those things LOL im workin on information overload as it is