first set-up


New Member
I will be setting up my first tank (a 75 fish only w/ live rock and sand) in a couple of months after I complete my move. So right now I am doing the fun part of planning and imagining my tank (keeps getting more involved every day). I have been reading The New Marine Aquarium by Paletta and I like the ideas he gives for a mixed tank (55-75 gallon size):
1-2 Yellowtail Blue Tangs
5-7 Blue Green Chromis
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
1 Longnose Hawkfish
2-3 Banggai Cardinal Fish
Would that work well in the tank? I was also thinking of possibly substituting a Flame Angelfish for the Coral Beauty, and would there be anyway to put a Yellow Tang, 2 Clown fish or valentini Toby (these are the fish my wife likes) into the tank by substituting or just adding? I know it is a lot of fish so I wanted advise on which to have and which not to. I am getting my Conscientious Marine Aquarist and Marine Fishes books this week to research compatibility, I just wanted an initial opinion. Also I was planning on 100 lbs live rock and 40 lbs live sand with some dead sand to fill the remainder (to save money) Do you think that would work for a 75?. What type of clean up crew should I look into getting eventually? I was thinking some scarlet hermit crabs and some snails. Like I said this is all a long way off, I won't even get the tank and start cycling until probably May. I just want to do my research first.
Also what order would you add the fish? I know the Chromis would go first, and the Tangs and Angelfish need an established aquarium for algae, but what about the others?
Thanks a lot.