First signs of algae


New Member
After admiring my tank for about 20 minutes, I noticed an ever-so-tiny patch of green algae and brown algae finally growing. The lfs said that it would be safe to add new fish as soon as I see algae. Does this mean the cycle is complete?


You must monitor your tanks test levels over the establishment period to determine if it has cycled. Have you done any tests for nitrites/nitrates, pH, KH?
I am a newbie, and seeded my tank with live sand - that is dead sand with live sand on top. I monitored my test levels, and also waited until there was a good amount of brown algae covering my sand before I introduced fish.
Generally speaking, small tanks are a little more difficult than the larger ones based on the limited capacities, and the smaller room for error. My humble opinion? Wait a little longer, until you have more algae growth. And if you haven't, have the lfs test your water. With a small, new tank, the extra wait might make a big deal.