first signs of life


these are the first signs of life in my tank. :jumping:
the first on is a small feather duster, there's a small one on the other side of the rock
the next, i believe, is the start of a star polyp colony.



can you get seafans from your lr? i have one rock that has lots of tiny seafan looking things that are about 1"


Active Member
im not sure about what type of polyp its going to be because its not all that clear. but you can get really anything from your LR. infact just today i was looking into my tank which is 1 yr after getting my LR and i have discovered a few really tiny yellow polyps.
so you can get sea fans but i would say they are feather dusters.


Active Member
Search the boards for AIPTASIA, that is what a lot of polyp/feather duster hitchhiker questions turn out to be. Not saying that's what yours are, the pictures are too tiny to see, lets hope they aren't.


Active Member
Well in all fairness there are quite a few different feather dusters to be found on LR. And by the relatively bad pic, I'd say the first one is a feather duster of some sort.
I have about 100+ lbs of live rock between two tanks and as far as I know not a single aiptasia. But I have feather dusters all over the place.