First six-pack


Active Member
Rich, nice pics. How's your gorgonian doing. Only tried it once at it was a disaster. Not sure if I have enough flow. Is that a juvi red coris wrasse in there? I have one that's almost a full adult and I love him. Watch your crabs and shrimp:eek:
It is a juvi Red Coris. He is about 2.5-3 inches now. So har he doesn't even look at the shrimp or crabs though I am sure the day will come and I will have to find him a new home. He was my first purchase and a somewhat uninformed one I am afraid. Which gargonian were you talking about? I have 2 encrusting and 2 of the purple finger variety. I think the 2 fingers are the same type. The short one that has crazy polyp extention is a frag off of a captive colony and I have had it since May. The big one is a wild colony and I have only had it 2 weeks. They seem to take along time to acclimate properly before the polyps extend all the way but so far it seams to be doing well. The purple encrusting I bought at a LFS and it has been doing awesome for around 2 months now. The little pink encrusting came off the reef around the same spot as the big finger and it seems to love its new environment. Maybe when the big one starts to open all the way I can make you a frag and you can try again.

nm reef

Active Member
Excellant selection of corals! Looks like a very nice reef to me...thanks for keeping the 6-pak tradition alive...I always like to check out new ones. Yours is sweet.:cool:
I've got a gorgonian very much like yours. Mine was in sad shape when I got it but its now doubled in size and is very healthy.
NMReef, thanks for the kind words. I check your web sight often to admire your reef. I think the gargo's we have are not of the same species. I am pretty sure the one I have is of the long polyp variety and has just not quite gotten used to its surroundings. The small one took the better part of a month to open that big. When the big one finally opens like the little one I will probably trade the little one off for something else. Right now I am on a zoo hunt. I am having a heck of a time finding any. I found one rock locally and I have 2 shops specifically trying to order them but no luck. It seems that everyone that has them only wants to trade for more and I just don't have any to trade yet.
Kyle, if I can do it anyone can. Just do yourself a favor and do it right the first time. If I had done that I would have a drilled tank, hallides and vhos right now and probably would have still saved money in the long run.