First SW Tank


New Member
This is our first fish tank, which we setup in early September with live sand and later 40 lbs of LR. We added two True Percs and one sandsifting gobie in December. We've been having so much fun watching everything come together over the past few months.
We hit a snag a few weeks ago when we added a BTA and a cleaner shrimp. We only have compact flourescent lighting (Odyssea 36W Compact Fluorescent Bulb (Daylight 12000K) and Odyssea 36W Compact Fluorescent Bulb (Actinic Blue)), which I was hoping to upgrade quickly for the anemone. After just three days though we discovered our BTA had been sucked into tiny pieces by our filter. *facepalm* No foam covers on our intake = completely avoidable disaster.
Cleaning out the filtration system/tank was a real pain in the arse but its been a few weeks and we've suffered no additional losses in the tank, thank god!
We learned our lesson and will be sticking to what we have currently for the next several months until we're able to upgrade the tank. We feel wicked guilty about rushing into getting a BTA and are reminded about the importance of setting up everything with patience before adding the living component.
Does anyone know a way to upgrade the canopy from Odyssea to handle MH lights? Or should we ditch the canopy and opt for a higher end lighting/filtration system?
Thanks for any advice!



New Member
Here are a few more pictures of the current filtration system and of the little swimmers!



Active Member
I agree, you don't want the micro bubbles in a saltwater tank.
Can you put up a sunpod MH over your tank?
Very cool and nice looking so far --- forget how "clean" looking they are just set up without the coraline algae :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gobes
Does anyone know a way to upgrade the canopy from Odyssea to handle MH lights? Or should we ditch the canopy and opt for a higher end lighting/filtration system?
I don't think you're going to be able too. You'll probably have to get a HOB (hang on back) filter to replace what you have.
Hagen's a decent, commonly available brand. I always get one rated for twice the size of the tank.


New Member
The Sunpod might work, will do some measurements when I get home from work. One question though, 150w is probably plenty for my sized tank but would the 250w versions cause any problems?
We removed the air bubbles today as well, thanks!


New Member
Well I may have spoken too soon, both clowns are showing signs of distress with the smaller percula arched on his side on the bottom. Is 0.25 ammonia enough to poison these guys?