First Tang

big ed

New Member
Hi there. I've been in the hobby since feb. I have some feather and grape caluerpa spreading through my tank and was wondering what everyone would recommend for a hardy first tang.

salt one

yeah, i have had my sailfin for over a year now, and it has been throught everyone, you name it, it happened, and alot of ick and parasites, and he is still going great! he gets good and he looks pritty cool! the other is a yellow tang, alot of people like them, they are really good too!


Purple tangs are very hardy. Mine had marine velvet and faught it off on its own. They are expensive around 80$ but they are a beautiful fish. Nothing beats their color when the settle in and turn florescent purple!!


The hippo (alias regal) tang is very cool and easy to keep also consider the naso. I like the yellows, and they're cheap, but apparently hard to keep fat-I only see skinny ones. If your gonna do two, do one of each body style. (oval like the naso or round like the purple)Good Luck


they will get on fine if your tank is big enough, 90 gal. minimum. Try to put them in at the same time.


We have a Kole (yellow-eyed) in our 55 gal reef. They are a nice small size. You could go with a sailfin, yellow, or purple in a 75 gal or less. I wouldn't go with a naso, powderblue or any surgeonfish in less than a 110 gal since they get pretty big. We have a naso & purple in our 180 FOwLR.
good luck


It has to do w/ genus. I suggest Zebrasoma, Paracanthrus, or Naso genuses. The Acanthurus are not as hardy, and need mega-tons of space.
The most popular Zebrasomas are the Yellow, Purple, and Sailfin Tangs. All are perfect begging fish, and I suggest one of these.
The only popular Paracnthrus is the Hippo/Regal Tang, also a great fish -- tends to be fairly small.
The Nasos are really a genus, but the term Naso ushally refers to one fish, the Naso Tang, often called Orange-Spine Unicornfish. These tend to get big, and need lots of space, but have great personalities.
Acanthurus is prob'ly the largest group, but I don't recomend any of them for small tanks or begginers.
If you want more than one tang, it's advised that you pick your next one from a diff genus. So if you got a Purple Tang and wanted another, you could get a Hippo Tang. It's fairly easy to figure out, even if u can't remember the genus, you can tell by body shape, which is the same for fish of the same genus. Good Luck, Tangs rule!


Active Member
I love my purple tang but the sailfin is also a good choice. The yellow tang is the cheapest but in my opinion is not as hardy as some people claim.
I have a Sailfin, Purple Tang and a Naso in with some angels, 1 trigger 1 pork puffer, marine grooper and a couple of other weird fish. All three of those tangs I would recommed. Have fun!