First tank opinions wanted


Hello I am trying to set up a new tank this will be my first and I am not real sure on fish compatability. I have a 37 tall which is the same footprint as a 29 gal only 5" taller. I am setting up the tank for my wife and she is wanting a clown a yellow tang and a niger trigger. I know that the nigers can get around 10" but what would your opinions. If this is a bad combo what would be a good way to stock the tank with the clowns.


Active Member
IMO, a 37 tall is not appropriate for either fish. Not only do both require more swimming space but as they grow each will put out copious amounts of waste.


well I am pretty much limited to a 37 my house is small and I already have 5 fresh water's 125,44,55,29,10 and I am outa room Like I said I am up to opinions for something to go with the clowns.


Active Member
Deff. no to both the clow and trigger, will get WAYY to huge, i would go with a pair of clowns,some type of goby, a dottyback, and mabey one or two other small fish


Active Member
You could go with the pair of clowns, assortment of inverts, perhaps if you go with a deep sand bed you can look at a jawfish (they are really interesting fish)!


New Member
if i were you i would get a pair of percs an anemone if you have the right lighting and a decent cleanup crew and a pair of firefish, if this does not sound good anyone please correct me, and good luck with the tank


Originally Posted by quads4_lif
I have not ever seen a jawfish do you know where I can look for a profile?? and thankyou for your opinions
No reason to be in the dark about anything these days. Go to Google, type in jawfish. You can either find websites about jawfish or images of jawfishes.