first time testing water, how are these numbers?


this is our first time testing our water our selves. the kit doesnt say what is good and what is bad. by the way it's a ten gallon with an long tenticle and maroon clown.
ALkalinity 2.8
nitrite 0 ppm
ph 8.2
nitrates 0
ammonia .30
any help would be great


Your ammonia needs to be 0.00. NitrItes should also be 0.00. You want nitrAtes as close to 0.00 as possible. Ammonia and nirtrIte are very toxic to fish and especially inverts.


I agree. a small water change should clear up your amonia problem but if it doesn't, the make several products to lock it. Check with your LFS for the one they carry. With a 10 gal I think your gonna need to keep close tabs on your levels. Good luck.

mr . salty

Active Member
Before you change any water,how long has this tank been setup?? Is it still,or just begining it's cycle?? If this tank is cycling#1 do NOT change the water.This will only prolong or compleatly stall the cycle.#2,GET THAT ANEMONE OUT OF THERE. The ammo not to mention the nitrites will surly kill it. If the tank is not cycling,you still have a problem with the ammonia at .30. And the anemone still must come out till the ammo settles down..