first timer troubles!!


New Member
I just purchased my first salt water tank and seem to be on an up and down battle with keeping my tank stable.
I'm 4 months into my new 12g nano with 11lbs of live rock and a janitor package. I religiously do 2.5 gal water changes biweekly but can't seem to keep the ph level over 8.0. I buffer the tank daily and notice that my alkalinity is off the charts. In addition I use buffer blocks as needed. I've read that when the alkalinity is high it will affect the ph making it inconsistent. Currently I only have a test kit for ph & alkalinity.
What should I do?


Active Member
the way to correct both of these is a 10% water change every day till it gets higher.


Active Member
Stop dosing the buffer until it comes down to a normal range.
Salifert and LaMotte make really good test kits.
8.0 is fine. You said you cant keep it over 8.0 so what is it? 7.8?
That is where mine is and has not moved.


I was just wondering as if the water varies that could be a possible issue, also what salt mix are you using.