First timer

florida joe

Well-Known Member
First time trying simple corals, can I separate the three pods into three separate ones and move each to a different part of my DT if so what is the procedure.


take a hammer and chisel and break the rock in to the three pieces with the coral on it and you can move each piece where you want....

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by doktorj99
take a hammer and chisel and break the rock in to the three pieces with the coral on it and you can move each piece where you want....

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Yes and no I have a wooden canopy the back underside I have two 48 inch florescent bulbs that is where I put the aluminum tape, on the front of the underside of the hood I installed a 48 inch compact florescent with four 21inch bulbs it has its own reflective hood