Originally Posted by 3M
what is a good coral to start with? having no experience with coral i want to take it slow and easy so what would be ideal for a first timer?
Mushrooms are probably the easiest.
Originally Posted by patandlace
What kind of lights are you running? Xenia,Mushrooms and Zoanthids are good beginner corals and GSP as fish fatty said.
right now i only have t5's but would upgrade if this venture proved fruitful
I started with a cabbage leather, it lived through everything, switching from cc to sand, bad water, crazy fish, and it has grown to a huge size. Also, mushrooms are hardy.
My mushrooms are indestructible, I think. They've survived me moving them between tanks during an ich outbreak, nitrates aouve 80ppm, stirring up the sandbed, leaving the lights on irregularly...you get the picture.
Ive ordered two small BTA ,some Yellow Polyps and a Xenia Colony. i can pick up mushrooms here locally at a decent price so I'll look into those today.
Yes green and brown star polyps will do well in most tanks but I will NEVER put them in one again.--The will grow and kill other corals kind of fast.--With T5 you can even get into SPS not that I would recommend this for a first timer.--What kind of flow is in the tank?