First water change


New Member
gearing up for my first water change and I have been reading about RO water and where to get it and a thought crossed my mind that tap water that runs through the fridge filter is said to have at least 50 contaminants removed. Why cant this water be used?


i have a brita water filter. my tank is only 30 gallon can i use that


Active Member
Unless you have a TDS (total dissolved units) meter, I would advise against it. You should be able to get RO/DI water at your LFS, mine sells it for .50 cents a gallon.


Refrigerator filters simply don't remove enough contaminants, since they just use carbon to remove larger dissolved compounds. Some contaminants -- while they could be removed by carbon -- will still rinse past the carbon and into the recepticle/pitcher since they're not being forced throught the filter media.
RO water is much preferred as the membrane only allows water molecules - which are very small (smaller than most dissolved contaminants) -- to pass though it.
If your LFS doesn't sell RO water, many discount retailers (like Wally Mart) do. If you buy a 3gl., 5gl. or larger gallon container from them once, you can usually purchase indefinite refills for under a $1 a gallon.