Fish advice


I'm planning the following fish for my 120g reef tank that is now cycled with 150lb LR - in order of adding them to the tank
2 Ocellaris Clowns (now)
1 (2-3 inch) Regal (blue hippo) Tang (1 week from now)
1 Flame Angel (1 week from now)
1 Yellow Tang (5 inch) - (3-4 Weeks from now)
1 Sixline Wrasse (3-4 Weeks from now)
2 Zebra Gobies (8 Weeks from now)
Does this look OK or should I add the Tangs together and the Flame Angel later?
Is this too much for a 120g reef?
Can anyone recommend inverts or reef packages?


Active Member
add the most aggressive LAST, and more docile fish first. watch out for the flame angel because i have seen many nightmares caused by these things, especially with LPS and softies. some are okay though, depends on the fish. Just keep that in mind. a lot more 100% reef safe fish that could be added instead IMO. good luck with the tank !
add the tangs together, then the gobies. add the sixline last, since they can be quite aggressive.
and the bioload is fine for a 120 gal


Thanks for the response!! How about inverts? I've always had a puffer so did not get to have many inverts.
I'm thinking about a fire shrimp, a couple of skunk cleaners, and maybe a couple peppermint. How many are too much for a 120?
I also want to get some emerald crabs and sally lightfoot but don't know how many of those either.
..... and of course snails
Any other recommendations?