Fish aggressiveness


Active Member
My friend is tearing down his tank, he has a pair of perc's and wants to get rid of them, well they are pretty aggressive, he wouldnt put his hand in the tank because he didnt want them to bite his hand.
If I put the pair in my 55 gallon, will it be aggressive? i know this is a stupid question but maybe theres a chance


Active Member
I think they are aggressive because they have established their territory in that tank. if you put them in you tank they will be a lot more shy and try to establish territory. I also think if you interact with them alot then they wont bite you but how bad can a percula bite be.;)


New Member
I say go for it..............However, I have never heard of perc clowns being that aggressive. It may not be aggression. It could be that they are playful and chacing his hand in fun. I had a demels do that wth me once. He would play hit a seek. Make sure you keep them feed well........would ant a bite from those guys(smile)
-good luck!


Active Member
i remember ryebreads post awhile back when he got bitten by a perc, it was pretty big. Maybe it was playing but it would attack the shrimp if it would come too close to its food. Maybe it will reform...