Fish Already


New Member
Well my tank hasnt even cycles yet and my wife went out and bought like 6 fish 5 demsels and 1 clown fish. I hope they all live!!! I thought it was too much too fast myself but shes being stubborn and wants to keep them in the tank.


New Member
My 20 gallon tank has been setup for 5 days now we added our first demsels two days ago and she bought the rest today. I dont know what to do or what to test. Another thing every time i check my salinity with hydrometer i get a different reading , sometimes its too high and sometimes is right where it should be????? please help


Active Member
God I see disaster coming. this tank is likley to crash. its probably going to kill almost all if not all of those fish.


Active Member
1.021-1.025 you need to try to keep it stable. If i was you I would try to get a refractometer because hydrometers are way off sometimes. you need to go to your lfs and buy Nitirite, Nitrates, Ammonia and at least phospate test kit.
Do you have live rock? What kind of subsrtate are you using???


Active Member
You need to keep an eye on all the levels and when you see a spike in the readings. DO a massive water change!!! What kind of water are you using??


New Member
Ok I have one piece of live rock in my tank with live sand, im going to buy a water test kit today and test all my levels, I used tap water but treated with that liquid stuff from the fish store that treats tap water. Any other questions?
My clown fish doesnt seem to want to eat the frozen brine is there something they like better? he only ate a few pieces


Active Member
I would use RO water. and try to go buy some more live rock at least anoter 25-30 at the least/ How much live sand do you have???


New Member
this forum is confusing anyone have aim or yahoo messenger that i can talk to. Someone that really knows theyre stuff please!! Any help is greatly appreciated.


This forum isn't confusing. Just relax and breathe :happyfish
You should be able to take the fish back, so I suggest you call or go to your local fish store (LFS) and ask them if they will give you store credit for the damsels and the clownfish. They do not need to be in a tank that hasn't even begun to cycle yet. It's cruel and unnecessary and your wife will just have to accept that. Patience is a necessary virtue in this hobby.
As it has already been suggested, go to your LFS and buy a Master Test Kit for saltwater aquariums. This kit should come with supplies to test your water parameters for pH, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. As you said, your tank is very new and is just starting to cycle. Test every day during the cycle and watch for a spike in ammonia. Then, once the ammonia and nitrites have dropped to 0, your cycle is complete and you may add fish VERY slowly and not a ton at a time.
Hydrometers are nowhere near as accurate or reliable as a refractometer, and while refractometers may cost a pretty penny, they are well worth the investment.
One more thing... don't go with damsels, unless you really
like them. They're known to be complete terrors once other fish are in the tank and they swim so fast that it will be a pain to get them out if you decide to get rid of them. The only exception are the blue-green chromis as they are the most docile of the damsels.
Please be patient and very careful. Go through this forum and ask as many questions as you can think of about starting a marine aquarium. Hopefully you and your wife can be a little more patient in the future. I know it's hard!


Active Member
No confusion here. a SW tank is not like a FW one.
6-8 fish in a 20 gallon is not doable. Especially territorial fish like damsels. Especially not in a new tank. Your ammonia i going to skyrocket and you will start losing fish.

aztec reef

Active Member
I would Skip everything, Take those fish back and cycle your tank with a raw shrimp or just ghost feed it.(cycle will be done in 3-6weeks)in the meantime research and


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
I would Skip everything, Take those fish back and cycle your tank with a raw shrimp or just ghost feed it.(cycle will be done in 3-6weeks)in the meantime research and



20 g can only hold 2 fish, and 3 pushing it. Also you can buy the biospar ($20)it will help cycle the tank a little faster (maybe 1-2 weeks). But you will need at least ten pounds on live rock, and live sand...


I am very new to this hobby too, I will tell you the main thing I have learned is that you need to take your time, and research. The people on this board have been wonderful, you can not always trust they people at your LFS, one of mine locally will do anything to sell you a fish. Go slow and let your tank cycle and get stable. I started with Damsels and as word of advice thoose little guys are a pain to catch to take back, good luck with that. I would try the cycling with the shrimp ( I was not on the board when I started :( or I would have done that) Good luck and welcome to a wonderful hobby.


Originally Posted by mie
The only thing that happens fast in saltwater is faliure


Originally Posted by mie
The only thing that happens fast in saltwater is faliure
Yup. Heard it a thousand times and can't agree more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Angel237
20 g can only hold 2 fish, and 3 pushing it. Also you can buy the biospar ($20)it will help cycle the tank a little faster (maybe 1-2 weeks). But you will need at least ten pounds on live rock, and live sand...

Do NOT buy BioSpira. It is disaster in a packet.
And about the Messenger Service, if you have AIM: Rikku Amagawa
If you wanna IM me, feel free to. I'll help you.