Fish and Invertebrae dying


New Member
I have a 70 gallon tank with 120lbs of live rock this tank is 4 years old. I haven't had any problem til recently I started losing fish. At first I thought it was the age of the fish when the first ones have died. I recently bought 2 peppermint shrimp and 2 brittle stars and the died within a couple of hours of being acclimated to the tank. I haven't been able to keep snails either. I have 3 fish in there now that have been there for a long time and there are some snails and hermit crabs that have also been in there for a long time. I cannot however introduce anything new. Please help me figure this out. Salinity is 1.026, Ph is 8.4, Nitrites are 0, Nitrates are 5, Ammonia is 0. I don't understand what is going on. I have a fair amount of algae on the back glass and power heads, could that be the problem?


Active Member
What kind of fish do you have? What all has deid (when you tried adding them or not) and how long did it take for them to die?
What are you using to measure your parameters and salinity?