Fish and such on Kauai


Active Member
Hi All,
Got back from vacation on Kauai the other week. Thought I would share some photos. I haven't bothered identifying everything, feel free to chime in
It also is not an underwater camera - just a regular camera in like a plastic bag like housing, so color is off. Oh well. Only went to 2 sites for snorkeling, and they were shore areas so not particularly great.



Active Member
All of the tangs were HUGE and CONSTANTLY grazing. Sometimes in huge "herds" (the convict tangs in particular). Truthfully I have a hard time recommending things like naso or vlamingi even for large tanks in this hobby.


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When we were in Hawaii we went to Hanama Bay (not sure I spelled that right) every morning we could and went through like 5 underwater disposable cameras... brings back a lot of memories and how fun it was to see everything in nature and how close you could get.
Loved it and now I want to go back.


Beautiful pictures Susan! I bet it was really something being in "their" enviornment instead of the other way around like most of us are used to. Thanks for sharing!!


Active Member
Very nice photos. I think they turned out great; especially for a camera in a bag like you were saying :) thanks for sharing


Active Member
#1.) Bluespine Unicorn Tang -- Naso unicornis
#2.) Convict Tang -- Acanthurus triostegus
#3.) Orangespot Tang -- Acanthurus olivaceus
#4.) Raccoon Butterflyfish -- Chaetodon lunula
#5.) Arc-eye Hawkfish -- Paracirrhites arcatus
#6.) Moorish Idol -- Zanclus cornutus
#7.) Orangespine, aka Lipstick, aka Naso Tang -- Naso lituratus
#8.) Orangespine, aka Lipstick, aka Naso Tang -- Naso lituratus
#9.) Hawaiian Whitespotted Puffer -- Canthigaster jactator
#10.) Arc-Eye Hawkfish & Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse -- Labroides phthirophagus
#11.) Red Coris Wrasse -- Coris gaimard
#12.) Spectacled Parrotfish -- Chlorurus perspicillatus
#13.) Threadfin Butterflyfish -- Chaetodon auriga
#14.) Threadfin Butterflyfish -- Chaetodon auriga

#15.) Hawaii Cleaners, Convict Tang, and impossible to tell black fish, looks like a damselfish.
#16.) Cauliflower Coral -- Pocillopora meandrina
#17.) Hawaiian Whitespotted & Hawaiian Dascyllus -- Dascyllus albisella

#18.) Stocky Hawkfish -- Cirrhitus pinnulatus

#19.) Therese's Sole, aka Flounder -- Aseraggodes therese

#20.) White Spotted Sea Cucumber -- Actinopyga mauritiana

#21.) Rectangular Triggerfish -- Rhinecanthus rectangulus

#22.) Saddle Wrasse -- Thalassoma duperrey

#23.) Ladder, aka Christmas Wrasse -- Thalassoma trilobatum
& Bowtie Damselfish Neoglyphidodon melas

#24.) Whitebar Tang -- Acanthurus leucopareius

#25.) Medusa Worm -- Synaptula hydriformis

#26.) Brown Surgeonfish -- Acanthurus nigrofuscus

The ones I'm not sure about are;
#12 -- The Parrotfish -- hard to tell from pic
#25 -- The medusa worm --exactly which species
#26 -- The tang in the last pic -- could be a number of Acanthurus
#23/#15 -- The damsel/chromis. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's correct ID in #23, and based on that, the unknown black fish in #15 is the adult damsel (they change to all black as adults).


Active Member
we went on our honeymoon to hawaii on a cruise and went to 5 islands.
kauai was the most native.i couldnt believe how clean all the islands were.
it was awesome to get in the water and see these fish over a foot long swimming right next to you.
on the ride back there were about a dozen 4 or 5 foot dolphins jumping in and out of the water along side the boat.
my friend is going there in a couple weeks.he better bring me back a shirt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Truthfully I have a hard time recommending things like naso or vlamingi even for large tanks in this hobby.
No joke. Before Ike (Haven't been there since) the Bass Pro on the beltway and 288 had several Sailfins that were absolutely huge. 14 or 15 inches long. And there is no way they should be housed in anything less than a several thousand gallon tank.