Fish And Tank Pics


Active Member
I've been following the progress of your setup, and I've got to say the pics look great. Any other fish besides the perc, the yellow tang, and the marine beta in your tank as of yet? What else do you plan on stocking in there?


I have tons of inverts, cleaner shrimp, cucumbers, serpent stars, I just added a juv emperator angel and juv Majestic angel along with a maden gobie, and 3 cardinals all are very small execpt the emp he is about 5 " all are doing great and eating like pigs live and frozen anything I put in the tank. and of course the big angel runs the tank, he doesn't pick on any one but they all seem to know who is boss. every one swims together the tangs love the clowns and they all pall around together it is great to watch and that is about all I do when I am home. No more boob tube for me :D