fish attack

I have a pixy hawkfish that while in quarantine at the store was attacked by another fish and has one eye deflated and cloudy. You can see the ring of red around the eye (probably just like your own black eye :) ). Is there anything I can do to help the healing process, vitamins or anitbiotics, or is he basically going to stay blind with the eye like that? It doesn't seem to bother him right now, just that he is basically blind on that side now. He is in my large tank with other fish, a few hermits, snails, cleaner shrimp and one sand star.


Staff member
Is the eyeball itself damaged? Or is it just banged up? If the eye is damaged, it will likely stay that way, even after healing.


What other fish do you have in your tank? if he is always that agresive to your fish maby you will have to take him out. is the hurt fish new to the aquarium? my tang is VERY agresive to any new fish. he will slash them open with his little "knife" on the end of his tail. my butterfly was almost kiled but now he is much better and swimming around in the tank. :p
Br Bubble: This happened before he got into my tank, nothing there is bothering him, nor is he bothering anyone. He just perches and watches.
Beth: I'll describe it the best I can. I tried taking a picture but just can't get it well enough. The eye is actually deflated, almost concave/flat with the skin surface. There is a small portion at the top of the eye that is slightly puffed out. It is quite cloudy, you cannot see the eye colour at all. The eye socket itself has a ring of red around it (black eye).
I'm also thinking that it's just going to stay that way. He is eating well, swimming well, and doing what he does best, perch on my rock.