I think anyboby who really cares about their fish will adjust as the situation calls for, I myself right now have a tank that is way overstocked, I do though make sure my water parameters are adequate for my guys (actually I think more than JUST adequate) , and they are moving up real soon. I will admit I have bought fish that I knew will outgrow my tanks, but I knew when the time came I would act accordingly. I bought some of these fish to have the experience of learning about them and what it takes to keep them happy. I have given my share of fish away to better homes when needed. I also have only bought one fish that was an adult, a Queen Angel, I usually like to see my fish grow I thought it was so cool to see my Emparator change to it's adult coloration. I just think that a lot of people who jump down someone's throat for owning a fish that might not "fit" their tank in the long run don't take this into consideration (i didn't take your reply as this, so please don't take it this way).. My intent of this thread was to see who has some of these big guys not to get into arguments
How long have you had these guys What size were they when you got them? And how much does it cost to feed them? Could you let me know a little about your setup, filtration tank size? Gotta love those monsters, they do get a bit expensive to keep at that size though!
I agree with ya!
This brings another question for all, What is the average length of time you keep a fish, I would say for me it would be about 5yrs. and why? Death ,moved on (got bored with it or needed a new challenge), out grew you tank or whatever.