Fish Bite stories!!!!!


Does anyone have any interesting stories of getting bit by their fish. I unfortunately can only add the store of my Hawkfish picking at my fingers during daily feedings. Hopefully someone has something more interesting than that :D


My friends were over my house,while I was getting lettuce for my yellow tang to eat,I told one of my friends to grab the lettuce clip that fell to the bottom of the tank.My other friend new that the blue throught trigger that is in the tank bites,so being funny he told him to watch out for the yellow tang cause he might bight,but the grey trigger is fine,he wont do anything.So my friend put his hand in and,while he was looking at the yeelow tang,the bluethrought gaive him a nastey bight across the nuckles.It took us about 5 minutes to get off the floor from laughing a him,he was a little pist,but he was laughing.


i have a horned burrfish named fred, I have had him for more than 2 years. he constantly watches everything that happens around the ank. ofcourse i hand feed him shrimp hunks, my room mates girl friend thought he was cute so went to pet him. He just thought that he was being fed so went up and took a chunk out of her finger. She ripped her hand out of the tank so fast he did not have time to let go. he ended up on top of the glass tank cover. i felt kinda of bad about what happened to him, but i quickly scooped him back into the tank and he has lived a further year since the "accident" so he seems to be fine. Now though i watch people closely when they come over


Ok, mine is nnot very exciting but I will tell anyways. I have a Ocan Surgeon that will groom my hand and arm when ever it is near. It is actually kinda cute. I also have a Big maroon clown, that is the %&!@# of the tank. When I am scrapping the glass, she has a fit and will first swim up to my arm and shimmy in the water. If that is not enough she will haul @$$ accross the tank and nail my knuckles. It is too funny.
I also have rubber Eels in my 29 gal fresh. She had babies (7), I have always hand fed her frozen brime shrimp. After the babies were born she became a real aggresive eater, she got a hold of my knuckle and ripped it open, I could not beleive it. I think she was in heat or something. LOL


about a year ago i had an aggresive tank with a few fish in it and i had a clown trigger that was about 3 inches and whenever i would put the silversides in a cup then scoop up some of the water to defrost them he would try to bite my hand every now and then i would let my gaurd down and he would nail me


mine is not fish related but ive got two turtles and they have boath bit me but thankfully they didnt bite as hard as they could of.


New Member
I used to have a cowfish in my tank, I had Bessy for about a year, she had never shown any interest in me what-so-ever when I would puit my arms in the tank to clean. One day I was cleaning and I see her come across the tank very slowly heading straight for my hand. Now, they do not move all that fast, or at least she didn't, and I had plenty of time to think "Hey, I think she is going to bite me." Well, she came up to my hand, found a spot she liked, and bit right in, she took a pretty good chunk out too. Of course, after that all I could think was, "D@mn, I cannot believe she bit me."
Some day I may actually start acting on these feelings I get.
Oh, and my cleaner wrasse loves to come up and clean my arm whenever I put it in, but that does not hurt.


Active Member
We have a Clarkie Clown in our Reef that hates it when ever we go in to clean, every time fixit starts cleaning I make sure I'm setting close by to watch, it never fails, wham she nails him, I laugh myself silly, its funny every time it happens.
We also have a blue devil damsel in our 200, I put some red algea in there, a piece was floating around the tank and I stuck my hand in to put it back where it belonged, the stupid fish nipped me, THAT WASN'T FUNNY!! LOL Lisa :D


Active Member
I had a tomato clown once that liked to nip at my hand. I no longer have him now though because he got bigger then everyone and started nipping at the other fish also.