Fish Bullying


I just recently bought a yellow tang{2 in.} and a Coral Beauty Angelfish{4 in.} and the Coral Beauty seems to be waving his tail fin in the yelloy tangs face. Could this stress out the yellow tang enought to kill him? Is there anything I can do to stop him? What should I do? Please help! :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by cds0722
I just recently bought a yellow tang{2 in.} and a Coral Beauty Angelfish{4 in.} and the Coral Beauty seems to be waving his tail fin in the yelloy tangs face. Could this stress out the yellow tang enought to kill him? Is there anything I can do to stop him? What should I do? Please help! :help:
This is a normal courtship. One of them will submit to the other and the fighting will eventually stop. Watch for fin or other visible damage. If physical damage occures you may have to take one of them back.


i have a lawnmower blenney and i bought a coral beauty and the angel was flaring his side at the blenny for a few days and they chased each other a bit (the lfs said they should get along) anyway after a week they get along fine, been about 2 months now..a ok


Active Member
Wow! A 4' coral beauty. Must be gorgeous. The tang can and will take care of himself if he gets enough of it. They're surgeon fish and fall in that category for a very 'sharp' reason. I would suspect that after a couple days they'll make peace.
Good Luck!